About us


Alley Katz was founded in 2021 by Taylor, Tyler, and Chris.

Our vision

We are providing an ecosystem that will allow Gamers and NFT Collectors to gain exposure to crypto currency and blockchain technology in a safe and creative manner. Cardano can be looked at like a series of highways. Our ecosystem will be an onramp onto the highway, the passengers will be the community and Alley Katz will be the vehicle. In order for mass adoption to happen, we believe each passenger needs to arrive at their destination on time, safely, and willing to take another ride. We also want to make sure our passengers arrive in style, wearing the latest installment of Tangible Drip.

Our morals

  • Be Resilient
  • Take Criticism
  • Remain Humble

These are our team morals, we understand life much like business will throw a multitude of problems at you. We believe it is important to bounce back and be resilient. Putting a project out to the world is a tall task and you open yourself up to scrutiny and judgment. Being able to hear criticism, understand it, and grow from it will allow us to move faster, break more things, and find new and creative ways to share our vision through the Alley Katz ecosystem. Without humility, the other two mean nothing. If you refuse humility in your life you can not take criticism, without criticism you stop growing, if you stop growing you stop learning. Never stop learning.